Video Blog Transcript

Watch the video now. Hey everyone today I’m going to demonstrate how to use dynamic keyword insertion in AdWords. What I’m going to do is actually create an ad and demonstrate how to implement the functionality of dynamic keyword insertion. So it’s really easy. You just go to campaigns then you want to click on ads. And once that pops up you want to clicks on the red button. This is actually going to be standard text ad. I know you see dynamic search ad here but this is how you implement the dynamic keyword insertion.  So just it’s just a text ad. DKI can be inserted into the headline or description line. It’s up to you. I’m going to demonstrate why and how I use both. So once you’re in the headline you will want to do a bracket and you’ll see this option pop up from the drop down and its keyword insertion. And this will basically insert keywords from your ad group into your headline.

Now Google does requires you to have a fall back. And this is just in case that the keyword that Google inserts in too long has too many characters. If you don’t have a fall back then it wouldn’t show anything in the ad. So Google as a rule requires that you actually have some default text in there. So I’m going to insert some static text. Just a few things here. You do have some options with how your keywords are displayed in the ad. So you have title case which is that basically the first letter of each word will be capitalized. I personally prefer that option the most. You than have sentence case. Which just means that the first letter of the word in the sentence will be capitalized. You than have lower case which means that everything will be lower case. Go ahead a click set. So that’s how it looks in the head line.

Now one thing about the headline is you only have 25 characters and so it’s possible you will be using fall backs more often. if you want to use the headline. So what I will typically do, and what I suggest is if you have an ad group that has longer keyword phrase than others, than I like to use dynamic keyword insertion in the description line. It’s the same process. Bracket keyword insertion. And then you can be a little more wordy on what you want to display here. Because you have more characters to work with.

And you can see that by habit I just capitalized all of the letters of the first word. If you do title case it will automatically capitalize the first word for you. That’s just what I like to do. Go ahead and click set. Than will just need to add your description line and headline. So just a rule of thumb that I follow is I like to use Dki on one of the lines I don’t ever use dki on all three lines or on two lines at the same time. Just because it will insert the keyword into the line just because it might look find of funny if you had the same keyword inserted and it was displayed on both lines. So anyway that is something to remember. So that is how you do it. It’s really simple to do. I have seen some really great success from doing it. It makes the keyword really relevant to your ad and keyword. Anyway that is how you do it and this concludes this video.