The digital landscape is a competitive world where only the savvy survives. Outsmart the competition by learning how Bing Ad features and Google AdWords can help you maximize your search results and stay ahead of the pack.

Bing Ads

While Google may be the front runner in the paid ad world, Bing continues to be a necessary component in your overall PPC strategy. See what they are doing to up their game:

Sitelink & callout extension opportunities

Bing wants your advertising campaigns to be successful, so they have rolled out helpful sitelink and callout extensions to your active, high-performing campaigns. When you click on the Opportunities tab, you can see the opportunities available, view the estimated performance change, and apply. Easy.

Account-level extensions

Managing all your campaigns can be a juggling exercise. With Account Level Ad Extensions, you can add and edit ad extensions at the account level to increase efficiency across all advertising platforms.

Improved automated bid adjustments

Bing Ads automated bidding manages your bids in real time and decides which ads to display to which audiences. With bid adjustments, you can set your automated bids to display your ads more often to a specific channel, such as mobile vs. PC.

Automated extensions

Bing is tapping into the power of artificial intelligence to deliver customized experiences to the Bing Ads platform. Automated extensions take away the guesswork by enhancing your text ads with the right extensions to create value that will engage your audience and capture more traffic.

Price extensions

Bing price extensions appeal to the customers at the bottom of the sales funnel; they’re ready to buy. When you present your products, services, and prices to viewers, you can increase transparency and convert highly engaged traffic to your website.

Google AdWords search query

Google AdWords search queries give insight into the searches that led your Google Ads to display. This intel allows you to further dial in and refine your ads to narrow your target.

Negative keywords

The search query can be a powerful tool to help you save money and sharpen your search strategy by eliminating unintended visits to your website. Including negative keywords reduces traffic that is irrelevant to your business.

Ad group vs. campaign level keywords

Negative keywords are often added at the campaign level, with the intention of affecting all the ad groups. This can hurt your campaign by keeping high-quality traffic from ever visiting your site. Adding negative keywords to the ad group allows you to target each specific ad to drive the most qualified traffic to your ads.   

Types of negative keywords

When adding negative keywords to your campaigns and ad groups, it is important to understand the difference between the types of negative keywords.

Broad match

With a broad match negative keyword, the ad will not display if the search contains all the terms in your negative keyword, regardless of the order. The ad may still display if the search contains some of your keyword terms.

Phrase match

If the search contains all the keywords in the same order, your ad will not show. Even if the search includes additional words.

Exact match

If the search contains the keyword terms exactly, in the same order and without extra words, your ad will not display.

Positive keywords

Alternatively, the search query report can shine a light on keywords that are bringing quality traffic to your website that are not included in your ads. We prefer adding exact or modified broad match keywords to your positive keyword search strategy.

Types of positive keywords

While the types of positive keywords may seem like the same that apply to negative keywords, there are slight nuances to how they function. We will help you to understand how applying each one will affect your search traffic.

Broad match

Broad match positive keywords will reach the widest audience as any search that includes any word in your keyword, in any order, may cause your ad to display.

Modified broad match

Positive modified broad match keywords will still display to a wide audience, but you have greater controls by adding certain words that must be included in the search.

Phrase match

A versatile option, phrase match allows you to control your ads by allowing them to appear when the search includes the keywords in your phrase.

Exact match

The most restrictive type, exact match allows you to narrow searches by specific keywords. Your ad will show only when a search includes your exact keyword phrase, in that order.

Learning how to work the nuances within Bing Ads and Google Ads is both an art and a science. At Julien Consulting, we will help you to maximize your ad spend to create highly targeted ads that drive quality traffic to your website. Contact us for a FREE PPC competitive analysis. y62